Each home in CMA should have signs showing the street address (house number) and the lot number. This helps delivery trucks, visitors, service companies, and others easily find your home.
If your address and lot signs are missing, you can arrange to have new ones made. Craig Deane, a CMA resident, has made most of the signs in the community. You can contact him at c.c.deane@gmail.com. You can also make your own, or order them from a sign company.
The signs should be conspicuous from your street, but should not be mounted to a tree. Please use a post to display the signs.
Many residents have unusual or custom made signs with their house name, address, and lot number. (You may have seen the very nice wooden signs at La Verdad, Lot O-4 near the CMA entrance, or Aloft, Lot K-4 on Bobcat Dr.). If you want to install a custom sign, please get DACC approval in advance.